
The ZMOAB is the interface to use with ZLAC8015D motor driver. It’s designed to have other peripherals such as BNO055 (IMU), radion receiver SBUS, PWM driver for extra servo, LED strip to show cart status. The main function of this board is to communicate with ZLAC8015D via RS485, so user can send command such as wheel’s RPM or distance, and also can read data such as wheel’s RPM, IMU, SBUS and so on by ROS topics.


Patrolling robot

ZMOAB is playing an important role for this kind of application. Without wheel’s odometry, it’s very hard to do a SLAM and navigation. 

Inspection robot

ZMOAB is providing wheel’s odometry to make the photo capturing every specified distance. The images will be used later for images stitching technique to create ground surface map.